How to backup the SAP HANA Configuration files?

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Hay Bouten
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How to backup the SAP HANA Configuration files?

Post by Hay Bouten »

The SAP HANA Configuration files are not backed-up during an normal backup of the SAP HANA Database. You have to manually save these files.
Recovery Wizard wrote: Configuration File Handling
If you want to recover customer-specific configuration changes, you may need to make the changes manually in the target system.
If you are performing a recovery on a different system:
Note that the target system and the source system must have the same configuration. In particular, the number of hosts and database services with their own persistency must be the same in both systems.
More information: SAP HANA Backup and Recovery Guide
The system wide configuration files are stored in the file system following location:

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The instance specific configuration files are stored at the following location:

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During a restore/recovery you don't need the HANA Configuration files. After the restore/recovery you use SAP HANA Studio to manually change all the configuration settings.

There is also an automatic configuration restore option available using the binary configuration file. This binary configuration file contains all the changed properties. This file is named hdbconfiguration_#. The # is the sequence number. The highest number is the newest file. This binary file is stored on the following location:

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Use the tool hdbparam to restore the customer specific properties. Use the following command line options with hdbparam:

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Usage: hdbparam [<options>]

Without arguments open an interactive shell for complex parameter processing
Available options:
   -h: print the help
   -l: list all available versions
   -d <version>: delete version
   -v <version>: restore and activate previous version
   -n: new configuration. Read parameter file, parse and activate
   -p: print configuration, 'o'-original, 'a'-active (default), any number - version)
   --validate <cfg-file-name>: validate binary input stream against supplied cfg-file
   --install validate existing binary file, or generate a new one if no binary configuration found
   --show <section> short print: only parameter names and important flags. Optional argument restricts the output to specified section
   --paramget get evaluated parameter value
   --paramgetall get all evaluated parameter values
   --paramset set parameter value: param=value or param[section-index][paramater-index]=value, reset to default if no value supplied,
         where "[section-index]" is optional and "param" is fully qualified name: "section.parameter" with optional suffix "@service"

Connect to specific host:service:instance:
     -s: set system name to use (default read from environment "HDB_HOST")
     -e: set executable to connect to (default read from environment "HDB_SERVICE")
     -i: set instance ID to use (default calculate from environment "DIR_INSTANCE")

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