Exercise 1: Install a Single-Host SAP HANA System
- Nothing to copy/paste
- Nothing to copy/paste
- 2.g) Connect to your SAP HANA database with the following command:
For Group94: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7194 -i 00 -d SYSTEMDB -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1
For Group94: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7194 -i 00 -d H94 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1
For Group95: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7195 -i 00 -d SYSTEMDB -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1
For Group95: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7195 -i 00 -d H95 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1 - 3.a) To create the COCKPIT_MONITOR database user, enter the following SQL statement:
CREATE USER COCKPIT_MONITOR PASSWORD Welcome1 NO FORCE_FIRST_PASSWORD_CHANGE; - 3.b) To grant the COCKPIT_MONITOR user the required authorization, enter the following SQL statements:
- 4.a) To connect to the SAP HANA cockpit manager, in Internet Explorer, enter the following URL: https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51023
- 7.a) In a new tab, enter the following URL:
- 4.c) In the Terminal, enter the following command:
HDB version
Unpack the SHINE Package
- 4.a) Start the SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 using the URL:
https://wdflbmt7285:51021 - 4.h) In the Select Roles dialog box, search for the role:
- 1.a) In a Web browser, go to
For Group94: https://wdflbmt7194:4300/sap/hana/xs/lm/index.html
For Group95: https://wdflbmt7195:4300/sap/hana/xs/lm/index.html
- 1.a) Start the SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 using the URL:
https://wdflbmt7285:51021 - 1.h) In the Select Roles dialog box, search for the role:
- 1) In a Web browser, go to
For Group94: https://wdflbmt7194:4300/sap/hana/democontent/epm
For Group95: https://wdflbmt7195:4300/sap/hana/democontent/epm
- 5.b) Enter the following SQL statement:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item" - 5.f) To check that the new setting is effective, enter the following SQL statement:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item"
Log On to Your SAP HANA Database Using HDBSQL
- 1.a) To navigate to the folder of the hdbclient, enter the following command:
cd /hana/shared/<SID>/hdbclient - 2.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbsql -n localhost -i 00 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1 - 3.a) To test whether the connection works, execute the following command:
- 1.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbuserstore LIST - 2.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbuserstore SET MYSYSTEM localhost:30015 SYSTEM Welcome1 - 2.b) To show the content of the hdbuserstore, enter the following command:
./hdbuserstore LIST
- 1.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbsql -U MYSYSTEM - 2.a) To test whether the connection works, execute the following command:
Monitor SAP HANA Using the DBACockpit
- 1.f) To check that the ABAP system is running, enter the following command:
ps —ef | grep dw - 6.h) On the Input Query tab, review the following SQL statement:
- 2.a) Enter the following command:
hdbuserstore LIST
- 5.d) From the list, select the table
sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::MD.Products - 5.h) On the Input Query tab, enter the following SQL statement:
select "PRODUCTID", "CATEGORY", "WEIGHTMEASURE", "WEIGHTUNIT", "CURRENCY", "PRICE", "PRODUCTPICURL" from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::MD.Products"
Start and Stop SAP HANA Using SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0 in a Browser
- 2.a) Start a browser and open the following URL:
- 3.b) To check the database status, enter the following command:
HDB info - 3.c) To stop the SAP HANA database, enter the following command:
HDB stop - 3.d) When the database stops, check the status of the processes using the following command:
HDB info - 4.a) In your PuTTY session, start the SAP HANA database using the following command:
HDB start
- 3.a) As user ha200root, check the SAP HANA database status using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList - 3.b) To stop the SAP HANA database, enter the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Stop - 3.c) After the database stops, check the status of the processes using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList - 4.a) As user ha200root, check the SAP HANA database status using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList - 4.b) Start the SAP HANA database using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Start - 4.c) After the database starts, check the status of the processes using the following command: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList
- 2.a) Start a browser and open the URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51021 - 3.e) In the SQL editor in the right panel, enter the following SQL statement:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item"
Create a Table and Insert Data
- 1.d) To create the table, enter the following command:
CREATE TABLE "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" like "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item"; - 2.a) In the SQL Console, enter the following command:
INSERT INTO "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" SELECT * FROM "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item";
- 3.c) To check the partitioning consistency of the table, enter the following SQL command:
- 2.b) Start a browser and open the following URL:
- 2.b) Start a browser and open the following URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51021 - 3.d) Search for the table:
- 1.a) In a browser, open the following URL:
For Group94: https://wdflbmt7194:4300/sap/hana/ide/trace
For Group95: https://wdflbmt7195:4300/sap/hana/ide/trace - 2.c) Search for the table:
- 2.a) Start a browser and open the following URL:
- Nothing to copy/past
Create a Delivery Unit in the Source System
- 1.a) Start your browser and enter the following URL:
- 1.a) Start your browser and enter the following URL:
Check the Location of the Directory
- 1.a) Start Internet Explorer and connect to the SAP HANA cockpit using the following URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51021 - 2.c) Search for the parameter:
basepath_databackup - 2.d) Search for the parameter:
basepath_logbackup - 3.c) To estimate the size of the next data backup, enter the following command:
- 1.c) Search for the parameter:
log_mode - 1.d) Search for the parameter:
- 3.e) Navigate to the following backup directory:
cd /usr/sap/H94/HDB00/backup/data
- 2.a) To open the directory that contains the data volumes, navigate to the following directory:
For Group94: cd /hana/data/H94/mnt00001
For Group95: cd /hana/data/H95/mnt00001
- Nothing to copy/past
- 2.j) For auditing, from schema SAP_HANA_DEMO select the table:
- 1.c) Enter the following command:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" - 2.a) To check the resulting entry in the audit trail (database table), enter the following sql command:
Create Role Management and Administration Users
- 1.d) Enter the user name:
2.d) Enter the user name:
- 1.h) Select the role:
- 1.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 1.e) In the Package name field, enter:
HA200_ROLE_PACKAGE - 2.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 2.d) Enter the following name for your role:
- 1.h) Select the role:
sap.hana.ide.roles::EditorDeveloper - 1.k) Select the role:
- 1.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 1.d) Enter the following name for your role:
basic_admin - 2.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 2.d) Enter the following name for your role:
- 1.b) Execute the following command:
df -h | grep /hanaDist
- 1.a) On host wdflbmt7195, enter the following command:
mount -a - 1.b) To check that /hanaDist is now mounted correctly, execute the following command:
df -h | grep /hanaDist
- 1.a) To create a directory, enter the following command:
mkdir /hanaDist/shared
- 2.c) On the Specify the Data and Log Area screen, change the Data Volume and Log Volume location to:
Data Volume location: /hanaDist/data/MHS
Log Volume location: /hanaDist/log/MHS
Register SYSTEM Database in SAP HANA Cockpit
- 1.g) To connect to your system database, enter the following command:
hdbsql -n <SAP HANA database server> -i 00 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1 —d SYSTEMDB - 2.a) To create the COCKPIT_MONITOR database user, enter the following SQL statement:
CREATE USER COCKPIT_MONITOR PASSWORD Welcome1 NO FORCE_FIRST_PASSWORD_CHANGE; - 2.b) To grant the COCKPIT_MONITOR user the required authorization, enter the following SQL statements:
GRANT SELECT on SCHEMA _SYS_STATISTICS to COCKPIT_MONITOR; - 3.a) Start Internet Explorer and connect to the SAP HANA cockpit manager using the following URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51023 - 5.a) In a new tab, open the following URL: