HA200 Col15 - Exercise Solutions
Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 7:27 pm
Copy&Paste Exercise Solutions for HA200 Col13
Exercise 1: Install a Single-Host SAP HANA System
Unpack the SHINE Package
Log On to Your SAP HANA Database Using HDBSQL
Monitor SAP HANA Using the DBACockpit
Start and Stop SAP HANA Using SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0 in a Browser
Create a Table and Insert Data
Create a Delivery Unit in the Source System
Check the Location of the Directory
Create Role Management and Administration Users
Register SYSTEM Database in SAP HANA Cockpit
Exercise 1: Install a Single-Host SAP HANA System
- Nothing to copy/paste
- Nothing to copy/paste
- 2.g) Connect to your SAP HANA database with the following command:
For Group94: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7194 -i 00 -d SYSTEMDB -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1
For Group94: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7194 -i 00 -d H94 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1
For Group95: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7195 -i 00 -d SYSTEMDB -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1
For Group95: hdbsql -n wdflbmt7195 -i 00 -d H95 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1 - 3.a) To create the COCKPIT_MONITOR database user, enter the following SQL statement:
CREATE USER COCKPIT_MONITOR PASSWORD Welcome1 NO FORCE_FIRST_PASSWORD_CHANGE; - 3.b) To grant the COCKPIT_MONITOR user the required authorization, enter the following SQL statements:
- 4.a) To connect to the SAP HANA cockpit manager, in Internet Explorer, enter the following URL: https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51023
- 7.a) In a new tab, enter the following URL:
- 4.c) In the Terminal, enter the following command:
HDB version
Unpack the SHINE Package
- 4.a) Start the SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 using the URL:
https://wdflbmt7285:51021 - 4.h) In the Select Roles dialog box, search for the role:
- 1.a) In a Web browser, go to
For Group94: https://wdflbmt7194:4300/sap/hana/xs/lm/index.html
For Group95: https://wdflbmt7195:4300/sap/hana/xs/lm/index.html
- 1.a) Start the SAP HANA cockpit 2.0 using the URL:
https://wdflbmt7285:51021 - 1.h) In the Select Roles dialog box, search for the role:
- 1) In a Web browser, go to
For Group94: https://wdflbmt7194:4300/sap/hana/democontent/epm
For Group95: https://wdflbmt7195:4300/sap/hana/democontent/epm
- 5.b) Enter the following SQL statement:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item" - 5.f) To check that the new setting is effective, enter the following SQL statement:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item"
Log On to Your SAP HANA Database Using HDBSQL
- 1.a) To navigate to the folder of the hdbclient, enter the following command:
cd /hana/shared/<SID>/hdbclient - 2.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbsql -n localhost -i 00 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1 - 3.a) To test whether the connection works, execute the following command:
- 1.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbuserstore LIST - 2.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbuserstore SET MYSYSTEM localhost:30015 SYSTEM Welcome1 - 2.b) To show the content of the hdbuserstore, enter the following command:
./hdbuserstore LIST
- 1.a) Enter the following command:
./hdbsql -U MYSYSTEM - 2.a) To test whether the connection works, execute the following command:
Monitor SAP HANA Using the DBACockpit
- 1.f) To check that the ABAP system is running, enter the following command:
ps —ef | grep dw - 6.h) On the Input Query tab, review the following SQL statement:
- 2.a) Enter the following command:
hdbuserstore LIST
- 5.d) From the list, select the table
sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::MD.Products - 5.h) On the Input Query tab, enter the following SQL statement:
select "PRODUCTID", "CATEGORY", "WEIGHTMEASURE", "WEIGHTUNIT", "CURRENCY", "PRICE", "PRODUCTPICURL" from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::MD.Products"
Start and Stop SAP HANA Using SAP HANA Cockpit 2.0 in a Browser
- 2.a) Start a browser and open the following URL:
- 3.b) To check the database status, enter the following command:
HDB info - 3.c) To stop the SAP HANA database, enter the following command:
HDB stop - 3.d) When the database stops, check the status of the processes using the following command:
HDB info - 4.a) In your PuTTY session, start the SAP HANA database using the following command:
HDB start
- 3.a) As user ha200root, check the SAP HANA database status using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList - 3.b) To stop the SAP HANA database, enter the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Stop - 3.c) After the database stops, check the status of the processes using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList - 4.a) As user ha200root, check the SAP HANA database status using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList - 4.b) Start the SAP HANA database using the following command:
/usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function Start - 4.c) After the database starts, check the status of the processes using the following command: /usr/sap/hostctrl/exe/sapcontrol -nr 00 -function GetProcessList
- 2.a) Start a browser and open the URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51021 - 3.e) In the SQL editor in the right panel, enter the following SQL statement:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item"
Create a Table and Insert Data
- 1.d) To create the table, enter the following command:
CREATE TABLE "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" like "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item"; - 2.a) In the SQL Console, enter the following command:
INSERT INTO "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" SELECT * FROM "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item";
- 3.c) To check the partitioning consistency of the table, enter the following SQL command:
- 2.b) Start a browser and open the following URL:
- 2.b) Start a browser and open the following URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51021 - 3.d) Search for the table:
- 1.a) In a browser, open the following URL:
For Group94: https://wdflbmt7194:4300/sap/hana/ide/trace
For Group95: https://wdflbmt7195:4300/sap/hana/ide/trace - 2.c) Search for the table:
- 2.a) Start a browser and open the following URL:
- Nothing to copy/past
Create a Delivery Unit in the Source System
- 1.a) Start your browser and enter the following URL:
- 1.a) Start your browser and enter the following URL:
Check the Location of the Directory
- 1.a) Start Internet Explorer and connect to the SAP HANA cockpit using the following URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51021 - 2.c) Search for the parameter:
basepath_databackup - 2.d) Search for the parameter:
basepath_logbackup - 3.c) To estimate the size of the next data backup, enter the following command:
- 1.c) Search for the parameter:
log_mode - 1.d) Search for the parameter:
- 3.e) Navigate to the following backup directory:
cd /usr/sap/H94/HDB00/backup/data
- 2.a) To open the directory that contains the data volumes, navigate to the following directory:
For Group94: cd /hana/data/H94/mnt00001
For Group95: cd /hana/data/H95/mnt00001
- Nothing to copy/past
- 2.j) For auditing, from schema SAP_HANA_DEMO select the table:
- 1.c) Enter the following command:
select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" - 2.a) To check the resulting entry in the audit trail (database table), enter the following sql command:
Create Role Management and Administration Users
- 1.d) Enter the user name:
2.d) Enter the user name:
- 1.h) Select the role:
- 1.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 1.e) In the Package name field, enter:
HA200_ROLE_PACKAGE - 2.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 2.d) Enter the following name for your role:
- 1.h) Select the role:
sap.hana.ide.roles::EditorDeveloper - 1.k) Select the role:
- 1.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 1.d) Enter the following name for your role:
basic_admin - 2.a) To log on to the SAP HANA Web IDE with SYSTEM user, open Internet Explorer and enter the following URL: For Group94: http://wdflbmt7194.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/
Group95: http://wdflbmt7195.wdf.sap.corp:4300/sap/hana/xs/ide/ - 2.d) Enter the following name for your role:
- 1.b) Execute the following command:
df -h | grep /hanaDist
- 1.a) On host wdflbmt7195, enter the following command:
mount -a - 1.b) To check that /hanaDist is now mounted correctly, execute the following command:
df -h | grep /hanaDist
- 1.a) To create a directory, enter the following command:
mkdir /hanaDist/shared
- 2.c) On the Specify the Data and Log Area screen, change the Data Volume and Log Volume location to:
Data Volume location: /hanaDist/data/MHS
Log Volume location: /hanaDist/log/MHS
Register SYSTEM Database in SAP HANA Cockpit
- 1.g) To connect to your system database, enter the following command:
hdbsql -n <SAP HANA database server> -i 00 -u SYSTEM -p Welcome1 —d SYSTEMDB - 2.a) To create the COCKPIT_MONITOR database user, enter the following SQL statement:
CREATE USER COCKPIT_MONITOR PASSWORD Welcome1 NO FORCE_FIRST_PASSWORD_CHANGE; - 2.b) To grant the COCKPIT_MONITOR user the required authorization, enter the following SQL statements:
GRANT SELECT on SCHEMA _SYS_STATISTICS to COCKPIT_MONITOR; - 3.a) Start Internet Explorer and connect to the SAP HANA cockpit manager using the following URL:
https://wdflbmt7285.wdf.sap.corp:51023 - 5.a) In a new tab, open the following URL: