Goodbye SUM welcome SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager.

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Hay Bouten
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Goodbye SUM welcome SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager.

Post by Hay Bouten »

Starting with SAP HANA SPS06 SUM is replaced with SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager (HLM). The update process is straightforward. Looking at the screenshots timestamps it took 8 minutes to download and install. When you start SUM on your 'old' revision it looks for a newer SUM version on the SAP Service Marketplace. This newer version is found, downloaded and installed.
hlm01.png (14.66 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
The new SUM needs a restart to be activated.
hlm02.png (32.34 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
hlm03.png (59.72 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
After the restart there is a new option to install SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager. Actually this was the only work option. All the other options told me to install the SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager.
hlm04.png (16.27 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
Downloading SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager.
hlm05.png (12.76 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
Installing SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager.
hlm06.png (15.91 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
Restarting Lifecylce Management.
hlm07.png (38.9 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
Now SAP HANA Lifecycle Managent is starting.
hlm08.png (13.14 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
Welcome SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager. The screenshot shows all the integrated options. So it looks like SUM and the On-site Configuration Tool merged. Also some transportation tooling is included.
hlm09.png (163.17 KiB) Viewed 49271 times
In my first small test I must say I like SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager. It gives much more feedback on what it is doing during a patch.
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Hay Bouten
Posts: 131
Joined: Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:11 am
Location: Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Re: Goodbye SUM welcome SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager.

Post by Hay Bouten »

SAP HANA Lifecycle Manager can be called started in three ways:
  • Via SAP HANA Studio and the option Lifecycle Management.
  • Via a browser using this URL: https://<FQHN>:1129/lmsl/HLM/<SID>/ui/?sid=<SID>
  • /hana/shared/SID/HLM/hlmcli/ --sid <SID> .....

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