HA200 SPS10 -SQL queries
Posted: Sun Aug 30, 2015 12:35 pm
Easy solution Copy&Paste for HA200 SPS10
Exercise 2: Connect SAP HANA Studio to an SAP HANA database
Video 1: In a scale-out system the Slave node fails:
Video 2: In a scale-out system the Master node fails:
Exercise 2: Connect SAP HANA Studio to an SAP HANA database
- Role: sap.hana.admin.roles::Monitoring
- Role: sap.hana.ide.roles::SecurityAdmin
- Role: sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator
- URL: https://wdflbmt719x:1129/lmsl/HDBLCM/SHS/index.html <= Attention change the x into 4 or 5
- The SAP HANA Database Installation Kit path: /data/training/install/REV100
- SAP HANA Application Lifecycle Management: http://wdflbmt719x:8020/sap/hana/xs/lm/index.html <= Attention change the x into 4 or 5
- SAP HANA Cockpit URL: http://wdflbmt719x:8020/sap/hana/admin/cockpit <= Attention change the x into 4 or 5
- SHINE Role: sap.hana.democontent.epm.roles::Admin
- SHINE URL: http://wdflbmt719x:8020/sap/hana/democo ... pad.html[b] <= Attention change the x into 4 or 5 [/b]
- SAP HANA Cockpit URL: http://wdflbmt719x:8020/sap/hana/admin/cockpit <= Attention change the x into 4 or 5
- Table name: sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::MD.Products
- OS command: hdbsql -n localhost -i 20 -u SYSTEM -p <password_chosen_during_installation>
- SQL command: SELECT * FROM dummy
- OS command: hdbuserstore SET MYSYSTEM localhost:32015 SYSTEM <password_chosen_during_installation>
- OS command: hdbuserstore LIST
- OS command: command: hdbsql -U MYSYSTEM
- HDB info
- HDB stop
- HDB start
- sapcontrol -nr 20 –function Stop
- sapcontrol -nr 20 –function GetProcessList
- sapcontrol -nr 20 –function Start
- Table name: sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::SO.item
- database parameter: content_vendor
- Create table statement: CREATE TABLE "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" like "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item";
- Insert into statement: INSERT INTO "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part" SELECT * FROM "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::PO.Item";
- Check partitioning consistency statement: CALL CHECK_TABLE_CONSISTENCY('CHECK_PARTITIONING_DATA','SAP_HANA_DEMO','"EPM.PO.Item_Part"');
- SQL command: select * from "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."EPM.PO.Item_Part";
- Create schema statement: create schema TRAIN01;
- Create table statement: create column table "TRAIN01"."PRODUCTS" like "SAP_HANA_DEMO"."sap.hana.democontent.epm.data::MD.Products" with data;
- HANA parameter name: basepath_databackup
- HANA parameter name: basepath_logbackup
- Estimate size backup: select sum(allocated_page_size) from M_CONVERTER_STATISTICS;
- HANA parameter name: log_mode
- HANA parameter name: enable_auto_log_backup
- Find the backup_id: select * from M_BACKUP_CATALOG;
- Find the names of the backup files and their size: select * from M_BACKUP_CATALOG_FILES where BACKUP_ID ='<backup-id of your backup>';
- Quick start data volume encryption: alter system savepoint;
- SQL statement: select * from “TRAIN01. “PRODUCTS”
- New Package name: HA200_ROLE_PACKAGE
- New design-time role: ROLE_ANALYTIC_01
- New analytic privilege: AP_PURCHASE_OVERVIEW_DE
- New role: BASIC_ADMIN
- New role: BACKUP_ADMIN
- New role: DATA_ADMIN
- mkdir /hanaDist/shared
- mount -a
- df -h | grep /hanaDist
- Calculation View: PURCHASE_OVERVIEW
Video 1: In a scale-out system the Slave node fails:
Video 2: In a scale-out system the Master node fails: